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Office of Integrity

Bond University is committed to the values of integrity, respect, accountability and continuous improvement in relation to all aspects of the University’s facilities, services and operations. Feedback from staff, students and the community, is essential to ensuring continuous improvement.

The Office of Integrity is here to receive and engage with feedback, whether positive or negative, and whether a response is required. We view grievances, including complaints, reviews and appeals as opportunities for improvement, and we recognise the important role that whistleblowers may play in ensuring accountability. 

Your grievances and disclosures will be dealt with respectfully, fairly and in a timely manner. Your privacy and confidentiality will also be maintained, accepting that some degree of disclosure is likely to be required to process your grievance. This will be done in accordance with relevant University policies and procedures and applicable laws. 

Navigate this page to learn more about how the Office of Integrity can assist you, and find links to helpful resources. 

Make a complaint or provide feedback to Bond University

Feedback and complaints portal

Who we are

Dr Tara Felton
Chief Integrity Officer
07 5595 5731

Dr Emma Fergus
Manager, Complaints and Student Misconduct
07 5595 5043

You can provide feedback and complaints to the university through the feedback portal here.

Negative feedback such as grievances is governed by the Student Grievance Management Policy. 

Grievances include complaints about the University's operations, services or facilities, as well as requests for reviews or appeals of University decisions. These are covered by the Complaints and Feedback Procedure  and the Student Review and Appeal Procedure respectively. 

View our FAQs below to learn more about grievances.

Please follow the link to our Feedback and complaints page, if you would like to learn more about how complaints are managed at Bond. 


FAQs about grievances

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept. 

— David Hurley (n.d.)

Response to sexual harm

Bond University is committed to a safe and supportive learning and working environment for everyone within the Bond community. This includes taking a firm stance against all types of sexual harm. 

Bond University has a "no wrong door" approach to sexual harm. You can contact the Office of Integrity at to find assistance, or if you would like to discuss whether your matter involves sexual harm.

Bond has a range of services available to support you if you have experienced sexual harm and/or would like to report an incident of sexual harm. All sexual harm matters are dealt with sensitively, supportively, respectfully, responsibly and confidentially. These values are applied to all parties involved in the investigation and processing of sexual harm matters.




We undertake to manage your grievance respectfully and fairly. Please endeavour to do the same when dealing with us and any others involved in your grievance.

Unreasonable, offensive, belittling, derogatory, abusive or threatening conduct will not be tolerated.