Our management structures
The University Management Committee (UMC) lead our organisational structure, which is as follows:
- Vice Chancellor and President
- Executive Dean, Bond Business School
- Executive Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine
- Executive Dean, Faculty of Law
- Executive Dean, Faculty of Society & Design
- Provost
- Transformation CoLab / Core curriculum
- Bond University College
- Microcredential Unit
- Office of Learning & Teaching
- Office of Research Services
- Higher Degree Research Unit
- Diversity, Equality & Indigenous
- University Registrar
- Academic Secretariat
- Campus Life
- Student Business Services
- Student Success & Wellbeing
- Office of Integrity
- Vice President Engagement
- Alumni Relations
- Bond Sport
- Engagement & Development
- Newsroom & Communications
- Philanthropy & Campaigns
- Vice President Future Students
- Admissions
- Domestic Recruitment
- Bond International
- Marketing
- Customer Experience
- Vice President Operations
- Facilities Management
- Financial Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology Services
- Strategy & Planning
- Governance Office