Bond University's Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine understands and values the clinical educators who provide our students with guidance and knowledge across various professional disciplines. Clinical educators’ support of students allows them to combine their academic knowledge with professional experience to fulfil their required learning outcomes.
Clinical placement software – Osler Technology
Who are Osler Technology and what do they do?
Osler Technology has created an end-to-end credentialing, accreditation and certification system
to allow students and junior doctors to build a credible, objective and competency-based
portfolio that links undergraduates with pre-vocational training and beyond, ensuring our next
generation workforces are well prepared to execute their role.This virtual ePortfolio of clinical skills can be taken with the medical student / junior doctor
through the health system, improving access to teaching opportunities, reducing unnecessary
retraining, maximising their productivity as a new employee and reducing preventable healthcare
errors.Ongoing monitoring of clinical activity and outcomes, benchmarked against a similar cohort
globally, provides the evidence-based comparative data to better facilitate performance review
and enhancement and automatically trigger recertification pathways.Visit for more information
I have more questions. Who can I contact?
For further information, please contact the Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine on We aim to respond to queries within 48 hours. - Presentations
- Instructions
Clinical handbooks
Phase 1 Medical Program Information Guides
Phase 1 - GP Student/Clinician Information Guide (Block 1 - 4)
Phase 1 - GP Student/Clinician Information Guide (Block 5 - 6)
Phase 2 Medical Program Student - Clinician Handbooks
- Anaesthetics Student-Clinician Handbook
- Cardiology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Child Health Student-Clinician Handbook
- Critical Care Student-Clinician Handbook
- ED Student-Clinician Handbook
- Endocrine Student-Clinician Handbook
- ENT Student-Clinician Handbook
- Facial Maxillary Student-Clinician Handbook
- Gastroenterology Student-Clinician Handbook
- General Medicine (Selective) Student-Clinician Handbook
- GP Selective Student-Clinician Handbook
- GP Student-Clinician Handbook
- Haematology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Infectious Diseases Student-Clinician Handbook
- Medicine Student-Clinician Handbook
- Mental Health Student-Clinician Handbook
- Neurology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Oncology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Ophthalmology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Orthopaedic Student-Clinician Handbook
- Palliative Student-Clinician Handbook
- Plastic Surgery Student-Clinician Handbook
- Radiology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Rehabilitation Student-Clinician Handbook
- Renal Student-Clinician Handbook
- Respiratory Student-Clinician Handbook
- Rheumatology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Rural Student-Clinician Handbook
- Surgery Student-Clinician Handbook
- Urology Student-Clinician Handbook
- Women's Health Student-Clinician Handbook
Clinical placement coaches
Clinical Placement Coaches (CPCs) are medical practitioners employed by Bond University to provide near-peer support for Phase 2 medical students on placement at specific hospital sites – Gold Coast Hospital & Health Service, Tweed Valley Hospital, The Wesley, John Flynn and Pindara Private Hospitals.
This new initiative launched on 19 August 2024 and was developed after feedback from students, faculty and hospital staff that additional placement-based, clinical support was desirable.
CPCs add to the existing student support services provided by Bond University and our hospital partners. This new program is designed to complement existing clinical supervision. CPCs will liaise closely with Clinical Leads, Clinical Supervisors and placement coordinators and managers and their roles are tailored to individual placements as required.
Student engagement with CPCs assist students transitioning to new placements, increase opportunities to practice generalisable clinical skills with feedback and help to identify learning needs, set learning goals and sign-off WBAs. CPCs can sign a maximum of two WBAs per student per 7-week placement and cannot sign ITAs. CPCs are familiar with the hospital sites and will be trained in bedside teaching and clinical coaching.
CPCs are available to offer teaching, feedback and tailored support for all students at their site, but where there is high demand, they will prioritise students in their first clinic year transitioning from pre-clinical to clinical placements or between public/private settings. CPCs can also assist students requiring academic support.
- Fact Sheet
Occupational therapy
Thank you for agreeing to contribute to the clinical education of our occupational therapy students from Bond University. This is an important component of their professional development on the road to becoming work-ready entry level occupational therapists.
On this website you will find a copy of the Bond University Master of Occupational Therapy Practice Education Manual which provides a summary of pertinent information that explains the Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program – its mission, educational philosophy, values and goals. You will also find key information about how the students have been prepared for clinical placements and relevant forms for use during the clinical placement.
The academic staff of Bond University will be available at all times to offer support in any form that may be deemed necessary.
Thank you for agreeing to contribute to the clinical education of our physiotherapy students from Bond University. This is an important component of their professional development on the road to becoming work-ready entry level physiotherapists.
On this website you will find a copy of the Bond University Doctor of Physiotherapy Clinical Education Manual which provides a summary of pertinent information that explains the Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPHTY) Program – its mission, educational philosophy, values and goals. You will also find key information about how the students have been prepared for clinical placements, relevant forms for use during the clinical placement, resources to support the use of the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP) instrument and responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
The academic staff of Bond University will be available at all times to offer support in any form that may be deemed necessary.
Preparing for clinical placements
Core clinical placements
- Orthopaedic clinical placement
- Cardiorespiratory clinical placement
- Musculoskeletal Outpatients clinical placement
- Neurological clinical placement
Other clinical placements
Note: Students have completed the above core clinical placements prior to undertaking any of the placements listed below.
APP assessment
Bond University uses APPLinkup for the completion of our student’s mid-unit and end-unit APPs. If you need assistance to use APPLinkup please email us at and we will be glad to help.
Listed below are links to some helpful resources.
- APPLinkup Users Manual
- Clinical Educator (CE) Instruction sheet
- Facility Clinical Educator Co-ordinator Instruction Sheet
- Student Instruction SheetAPP Performance Indicators
- APP Resource Manual
- APP Education Website
We have also provided below hardcopies of the APP Mid and End Unit Assessment forms for use if APPLinkup is experiencing technical difficulties. If these forms are needed, please enter the data into APPLinkup at your earliest convenience or scan and email the completed form to
Clinical forms
- Clinical Placement Agreement for Students (for completion by students only)
- Learning profile
- Learning contract
- Anecdotal record
- Critical incident record
- Client informed consent
- Clinical reasoning/treatment planning forms
- Cardiorespiratory Clinical Reasoning Tool
Musculoskeletal (MSK) outpatients
- MSK Case Study Hypothesis Generation Form
- MSK Clinical Reasoning Form
- Treatment Planning Template - MSK
- Treatment Planning Document - Neurological
- Goal Setting and Treatment Planning Form - Paediatrics