Fit To Practice Hub
Fit To Practice defines a student's ability to understand, attain and maintain the expected standards of conduct, compliance, knowledge, professionalism, performance, and capacity as mandated by the relevant profession and legislation governing that profession.

Professional excellence makes you stand out.
Why is being Fit To Practice so important?
A vital part of establishing yourself as a respected and highly valued professional is the recognition of the importance of processes and regulations that enable you to be a qualified and licenced practitioner in your chosen field. It's not just about paperwork, it's about keeping up to date on the latest policies and procedures, so that your knowledge and skills reflect the current health environment.
Your discipline in managing your Fit To Practice requirements will become a vital part of your successful professional life. It will determine your ability to be a licenced practitioner, affect employment opportunities and progression, and may have insurance consequences.
It all begins in your first year here at Bond.
Beginning in your first year of study, you will have a broad range of training opportunities that may include attending placements, preparing you to practice in a variety of roles and diverse settings. So, this is the time to ensure you are fully Fit To Practice as early as possible for your program.
During your placements, you will come into close contact with patients or clients that have a broad range of health issues and vulnerabilities. It is vital that you have up to date security and health protection to keep both yourself, your patients and the people who you work with, safe from disease and harm.
It is important to keep in mind that Policies and Regulations are being updated on a regular basis to reflect changes and improvements in health care delivery. As a student, it is your responsibility to attain and maintain your Fit To Practice status to ensure progression through your program.
If you build an 'attaining and maintaining practice' from the beginning, just like every other skill you will develop here at Bond, it will give you a foundation for excellence that will make you a stand-out in your career.

Select your study program below
Allied health
Exercise and Sports Science
Exercise and Sport Science
Click hereFor more information on compliance requirements for Exercise and Sport Science programs
Higher Degree Research
Some HDR projects will have mandatory compliance requirements. As a higher degree researcher, you should be aware of the required compliance depending on the nature of your research project. HDR students are responsible to meet the necessary compliance requirements.
Evidence of compliance for HDR students must be uploaded in the Pure Research Portal. For all HDR compliance queries and requirements, please consult with your supervision team for guidance as HSM Compliance does not manage HDR compliance.
Exercise and Sport Science
For more information on compliance requirements for Exercise and Sport Science programs

Some HDR projects will have mandatory compliance requirements. As a higher degree researcher, you should be aware of the required compliance depending on the nature of your research project. HDR students are responsible to meet the necessary compliance requirements.
Evidence of compliance for HDR students must be uploaded in the Pure Research Portal. For all HDR compliance queries and requirements, please consult with your supervision team for guidance as HSM Compliance does not manage HDR compliance.