Why are we moving towards smoke free with designated areas?

We care about your health.
Research findings show that tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke constitute a significant health hazard.
In addition to its direct impact on the health of a community, tobacco use contributes to university costs in other ways, such as absenteeism, health care and medical insurance.
The University is making strides to provide policy, education and programs to improve the overall health of our community. Tobacco-free procedures can have a positive impact in reducing adverse impacts from tobacco use.
According to recent research, the following benefits have been attributed to the implementation of tobacco-free policies:
- Decrease smoking initiation among young adults
- Decrease progression to established smoking
- Increase the probability of young adult smoking cessation
- Promote a tobacco-free norm which can influence adult smoking behaviour
- Lead to less smoking among adults in the workplace
- Employees in workplaces with tobacco-free policies are almost twice as likely to stop using tobacco as those who work where tobacco use is allowed
Other benefits of a tobacco-free procedures include a reduction in fire hazards, cleaner grounds, cost savings in grounds maintenance and clean air, all of which support the University's sustainability efforts.
Smoking remains a significant cause of preventable death and disease.
What does smoke free mean?
As of 1 July 2018, smoking will not be permitted anywhere within Bond University land, buildings, vehicles and facilities, other than in areas set aside specifically for the use of those who wish to smoke.
The smoke free procedures (part of the Campus Management Policy) rely on a community collective approach rather than enforcement.
Who does the smoking procedures affect?
All staff, students, visitors, volunteers and contractors who come on to Bond University campus and sites will need to adhere to the smoking procedures. This also includes the general public.
What about those who do smoke – where do they go?
People can only smoke in the Designated Outdoor Smoking Areas (DOSA’s).
Is there support for the smoke free procedures implementation from the government?
The Department of Health is working with higher education and training organisations to provide advice and support to implement measures to reduce smoking, including the creation of smoke free environments.
The smoke free higher education and training initiative is:
- supporting organisations to develop, implement and manage smoke free procedures
- providing resources and support to promote smoke free procedures and encourage staff and students to quit smoking
- providing free resources to support quitting, including online services and tailored counselling from Quitline.
Have other universities gone smoke-free?
Yes. Many universities across Australia have already implemented this initiative.
How are the procedures being enforced?
The procedures are available on our website and any staff, student or visitor who smokes on campus from 1 July, may be approached and be reminded about our smoke free policy and advised where they can smoke.
The success of this approach will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers. All students and staff share in the responsibility for enforcement of the procedures.
Transitioning to a smoke free campus requires respect for others — both non-smokers and smokers. You are encouraged to respectfully and politely remind smokers that they must go to designated areas if they wish to smoke. If you have a regular issue at a particular location, contact Security.
If someone continually refuses to comply with requests to relocate to designated smoking areas they will be managed according to the relevant misconduct policies.
View the Smoking on Campus Procedure
Support to ‘QUIT’
Quitting smoking can be difficult, but there are support options available. Bond University offers support to both staff and students who wish to quit smoking:
- Students and Staff can make an appointment with the Bond Medical Centre to discuss their situation.
- Quitline at 13QUIT (13 78 48) is a free and confidential service that provides advice and assistance tailored to your particular needs. Trained counsellors are available 7 days a week to offer support and encouragement.
- Doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals can provide advice on replacement therapy and other treatments.
You can also find additional support and information through: