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Dr Lynne Armitage

Associate Professor

Level 3, Building 3, Sustainable Development, Bond University

Faculty of Society & Design

Centre for Comparative Construction Research

Accepting PhD Students

Professional biography

Qualifying initially as a Chartered Surveyor in general practice in the UK, Lynne worked in both the public and private sectors in the areas of commercial property valuation, international development (World bank /AusAID) and land management in Australia, the UK, SE Asia and Namibia.

She has held academic positions in property, land management, valuation and urban development at five universities in three countries and was a member of the Surveyors' Board of Queensland.

Her research interests fall into three main areas: the valuation of heritage property; sustainable land management practice and commercial property market process.

Research interests

Qualifying initially as a Charterd Surveyor in general practice in the UK, I worked in both the public and private sectors in the areas of commercial property valuation, international development (World bank /AusAID) and land management in Australia, UK, SE Asia and Namibia, which have given me the opportunity to study property market processes, people and place, and their evolution over time and cultural context.

My interest in the management of built heritage arises out of the study of the relationship between people, property and place. I have a background in property valuation and corporate property asset management.


Teaching expertise

My teaching expertise has evolved over 10 years of professional practice and 20 years of academic appointment in Australia, the UK, PNG, Thailand and Namibia in the fields of land management, property valuation and heritage property assessment.

Professional admissions

  • Registered practising Valuer - NSW and Qld
  • Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Fellow of the Australian Property Institute - valuation and land economy streams; CPV


  • Economics, PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Award Date: 28 Jan 2000

Fields of Research

  • Heritage, archive and museum studies

Statement for HDR students

Two of my current PhD students are looking at a comparison of built heritage management in Australia and Tanzania, and at the planning and design of beach precincts.

Articles featured in

  • Sustainability

    (Literally) moving house

    How home relocations can help address the housing crisis.

    Read article
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