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Bachelor of Business

Subjects overview

Majors / Minors
12 / 12 Options available
Compulsory subject credit points
180 Essential subjects to complete
Elective subject credit points
60 To tailor your degree
Total credit points
240 Your complete degree

This program can be completed in 2 years (6 semesters)

Core Curriculum

Students must complete three (3) subjects plus the Beyond Bond Program.

Beyond Bond Program

To keep up with the ever-changing work landscape, we aim to help our students future-proof their careers by developing broader employability skills that are actively sought out by employers. Unique to our University, Beyond Bond is a compulsory professional development program with a practical, activity-based approach that is integrated into all undergraduate degrees.

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Required Subjects

Students must complete the following eighty credit points (80CP) of subjects.

Statistics Option

Students must choose ten credit points (10CP) of the following subjects.

Business Major

Students must complete one (1) of the following Majors (60CP).

General Electives

Students must choose sixty credit points (60CP) of undergraduate subjects from across the University.

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Optional Business Major

Students are encouraged to undertake an optional Major. This will replace sixty credit points (60CP) of elective subjects.

Optional Business Minor

Students are encouraged to undertake an optional Minor. This will replace forty credit points (40CP) of elective subjects.


Students may take advantage of the following opportunities.

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Study plan

Take the guess work out of planning your study schedule. Your program's study plan has been carefully curated to provide a clear guide on the sequential subjects to be studied in each semester of your program. Your study plan is designed around connected subject themes to equip you with the fundamental knowledge required as you progress through your course.