Subjects overview
This program can be completed in 92 weeks
This program is only available to international students. Your preference is currently set to domestic.
This program is only available to international students. Your preference is currently set to domestic.
This program can be completed in 92 weeks
Students must complete the following one hundred and twenty credit points (120CP) of subjects.
This subject introduces students to accounting concepts, procedures, and influences under which basic financial statements are prepared, and focuses on how financial and business information is used for decision-making by various stakeholders. Students are also introduced to concepts of governance, social responsibility, business ethics, and the ethical standards expected of accountants, and they will integrate this knowledge to make decisions and solve problems in a range of complex, contemporary business situations. The use of both manual and computerised accounting systems is explored, and the use of other contemporary business software platforms will develop technology skills which are fundamental to accounting practice.
Read moreThis subject is designed to develop advanced management accounting skills to address the contemporary business environment imperatives of customer value, technology driven solutions and knowledge-based organisations. The first part of this subject provides students with a framework for analysing a businessโs unique cost and revenue structures, to facilitate managerial planning and control decisions. The second part of this subject focuses on the achievement of business objectives in todayโs dynamic and complex business environments. Focus is on the strategic implications of managerial accounting information and the essentials of integrating external and internal factors into managerial decision making.
Read moreThis subject provides an in-depth study of the regulation, concepts, applicable standards and processes relevant to financial accounting and reporting. Emphasis is on the integration and critical application of accounting principles, regulation and the applicable standards that underpin the preparation of general purpose financial statements. This subject is useful to students pursuing careers in which a critical understanding of the application of International Reporting Financial Standards from both a preparer and user perspective is beneficial.
Read moreThis subject provides an overview of the Australian taxation system and the conceptual framework in which it operates. The topics include essential areas of taxation that are most frequently dealt with by accountants working in tax practice, including compliance with statutory and professional obligations, critically analysing real world problems and providing expert judgment. The subject is designed around an applied approach to learning that focuses on authentic professional tasks and situations.
Read moreInformation technology is an essential accounting tool. Amongst other applications, it is used to automate transactions and business processes, streamline reporting and support business analysis. This subject covers the critical evaluation and design of accounting information systems (AIS) and their use in complex managerial decision-making. It provides both a theoretical and practical understanding of AIS in a broader industry and corporate setting. Emphasis is placed on the integrated nature of AIS and technology, control mechanisms, data analysis and reporting. The applied nature of the subject enables the development of advanced practical skills in using accounting software for transaction processing and decision support.
Read moreThis subject focuses on advanced issues pertaining to the preparation of financial statements by reporting entities. The subject also provides a critical examination of the theories underpinning accounting practice and its professional standards. The aim is to develop a high level understanding of the rationale underlying accounting principles and standards. The integration of advanced theoretical and technical knowledge related to contemporary practices regarding accounting standards and their application is emphasised.
Read moreThis subject introduces the principles and practices of external auditing in the public accounting domain within the framework of Australian and International Auditing Standards. This subject focuses on the critical analysis and application of the audit risk model, auditing standards and each phase of the audit process. Emphasis is also placed on ethical considerations, independence and corporate governance relevant to the practice of external auditing of corporate financial statements.
Read moreData analytic skills are core for accounting practitioners in our data-intensive business environment. In this subject, we build on advanced data and analysis concepts to develop an analytical mindset where students learn to frame complex managerial questions, assemble the data, compute relevant metrics and models, identify actionable insights, and design effective and efficient communication of the outcomes. Students explore and apply these skills in a variety of contexts, including management accounting, tax, audit and assurance, and financial statement analytics to develop practical skills in working with multiple analytics tools and develop skills in critically evaluating which tool is best suited for a particular problem or question. Finally, students will explore how to best interpret and communicate the results from data analytic procedures using visualisations.
Read moreConsidering the increasingly complex environmental, social and governance challenges facing today's business organisations, it is essential to develop an integrated understanding of business and its role in society. In this subject, students will be challenged to explore a multinational business from multiple perspectives to develop a systems view of the organisation and its global business environment. Through readings, discussions, case studies, projects and other learning activities, students will develop a more nuanced view of the purpose and functioning of business, the expectations of stakeholders, and the challenges and opportunities inherent in addressing those expectations. This exploration will include understanding the functional areas of business as well as how each can work together in an overall design to enable an integrative and innovative approach to responsible and sustainable business.
Read moreAn introduction to economics for postgraduate students, with a focus on microeconomics. An overview of fundamental topics such as opportunity cost, trade-off, relative scarcity and marginal analysis are explained using contemporary issues, including minimum wages, carbon taxes, competition policy and state ownership of monopolies. The underlying structure of macroeconomics is also included to provide a framework for understanding the economy as a whole and the news and policy that affects it.
Read moreThis subject introduces the analytical approaches used by managers when making financial decisions. Core topics include the time value of money, the relationship between risk and return (i.e., CAPM), portfolio theory (i.e., diversification), and capital structure. On successful completion of the subject, students will be able to apply these concepts to value both stocks and bonds, estimate the cost of capital and implement discounted cash flow techniques in order to make capital budgeting decisions. Students will also gain exposure to real-time market data via the Bloomberg database.
Read moreBusiness Law is a subject offered by the Faculty of Law for Bond Business School students and other non-law students. The subject provides an introduction to the law regulating business in Australia today. It seeks to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the Australian legal system and sources of law in Australia, the commercial legal responsibilities and risks of doing business, key aspects of the law of torts, contracts and consumer protection, and the law associated with starting, managing, financing and closing companies and other business entities. By focusing on the legal responsibilities and risks that have a substantial impact on business, the subject highlights the important role that law plays in business decision-making.
Read moreStudents must choose forty-five credit points (45CP) of the following subjects. BUSN71-701 Professional Portfolio (OR) BUSN71-705 Professional Development.
Professional Portfolio is a 20 week, 45 credit point subject available to Masters (Professional) students in the Bond Business School. This subject blends both practical and theoretical components to complement your program of study by enhancing your employability and professional skills. A key element of this subject is a structured and supervised 210-hour vocational experience that is tailored to address placement objectives mutually agreed upon between each student, industry partner and the instructor. Combined with individualised mentoring sessions with the instructor, this subject is designed to enable students to develop their professional skills in a real-world environment.
Read moreProfessional Development is a 20 week, 45 credit point subject available to Masters (Professional) students in the Bond Business School. The subject blends both practical and theoretical components to complement the program of study by enhancing employability and professional skills. This includes providing a variety of tools to develop a flexible career strategy and ultimately communicate the studentsโ professional brand to potential employers. Students will also complete an individual research project exploring an industry and/or organisation that is the target of their professional aspirations.
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Take the guess work out of planning your study schedule. Your program's study plan has been carefully curated to provide a clear guide on the sequential subjects to be studied in each semester of your program. Your study plan is designed around connected subject themes to equip you with the fundamental knowledge required as you progress through your course.
Your preference is currently set to domestic. If youโre an international student, return to the program.