Program overview
Our fast-track trimester timetable makes it easy to tackle a double degree at Bond. In fact, you can complete two degrees here in less time than you could graduate with just one at most other universities.
Bond’s Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice enables you to become an accredited practicing Dietitian (ADP) in just four years of study.
Bond’s Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science looks at the science of human movement and how it relates to performance and sport at the highest levels. The program will equip you with an understanding of health and human movement including healthy ageing, chronic disease prevention, athlete preparation, health promotion and nutrition, providing a strong foundation for the Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice.
Bond’s Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice is the highest-level nutrition and dietetic master’s degree available in Australia - AQF extended Level 9 master’s degree. Benefit from the program’s exceptional 20-week research internship with a focus on global nutrition citizenship and gain 24 weeks of practical internship experience in traditional areas of practice such as clinical dietetics. Before entering the workforce, students can prepare for the program and accreditation requirements through our program charter.
Studying both programs at Bond will enable you to explore areas of study such as anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, motor learning and control, as well as sports nutrition and exercise prescription and planning for both athletic and non-athletic populations.
Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science CRICOS code: 080641D
Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice CRICOS code: 105326E
Study areas
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Behind the scenes
About the program
About this program
The Bond University Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science equips you with comprehensive knowledge and applied skills in health, fitness, and sport performance. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the basic and applied sciences as they apply to personal and community health and fitness, and sport performance at all levels. Areas of study include human anatomy and physiology, exercise and sport physiology, exercise biochemistry and molecular biology, biomechanics, motor learning and control, exercise and sport psychology. The program focuses on real-world learning delivered through significant practical experience and authentic assessment to maximise employment outcomes for graduates. Delivery of the program is primarily at the Bond Institute of Health and Sport where you will gain high-quality and practical learning experiences in our internationally recognised High-Performance Training Centre, as well as our exercise and sports science teaching and research laboratories. These facilities provide sports science testing, training, and recovery services to a variety of elite and sub-elite athletes including state, national and international athletes and teams, providing an exceptional and authentic learning experience for students. Throughout the degree, you will engage with and deliver a wide range of athlete testing, performance analysis, exercise prescription, and delivery for healthy individuals and non-athletes, as well as strength and conditioning opportunities for athletes. You will also learn, engage and collaborate with other allied health professional students including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and nutrition and dietetics, which models the current best practice for allied health care. The program prepares graduates for exciting career opportunities in exercise science, sports science, and strength and conditioning as well as provides an accelerated undergraduate pathway to graduate-entry studies including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, dietetic practice, and high-performance sports science.
This postgraduate professional program is designed to develop graduates to be work-ready for careers in nutrition and dietetics across practice areas including clinical dietetics, private practice, food service management, public health nutrition, sports nutrition, and nutrition research. This program develops student competencies to exceed the accreditation requirements of the Dietitians Association of Australia, making graduates eligible to apply for accredited practising dietitian (APD) status within the Dietitians Association of Australia. This program is distinctive because of its emphasis on developing evidence-based practitioners that have had intensive preparation in evidence-based dietetic practice, nutrition research, and international engagement. All students will be required to participate in an international placement as part of their program.
Program specific scholarship
Elite Sport Program
Many exercise and sports science students at Bond are Tier 1 athletes of the Elite Sport Program.