Law Students’ Association (LSA)
The Bond University Law Students’ Association (LSA) is the elected representative body for all Bond Law students. It plays a significant role in supporting all Bond Law students through the course of their studies. Whether it be welcoming them to Bond in their initial weeks to farewelling them as Graduands.
The LSA is structured around three key pillars of life as a law student:
- Education and Academic Support
- Social Events
- Careers and External Affairs
The Education Portfolio represents students across all programs and diverse backgrounds. Through equity initiatives and panel events, it provides experiences which can enhance your time studying with the Bond Law Faculty. In addition to these services, the LSA liaises with the Law Faculty and other external bodies on behalf of the student body, ensuring you get the most of you time here at Bond.
The Events portfolio provides opportunities for students to connect with fellow law students and Bondies through events such as The Session and the annual Law Ball. It also keeps you up to date with the latest information on social media.
The Careers Portfolio is your key into the legal industry. Through gaining sponsorship of LSA events, students are given opportunities to connect with firms and network with the profession. Publications such as the annual First Year law Guide and Careers Guide keep you up to date with information from here at Bond and in the profession . Students are also able to gain valuable skills through academic competitions run annually.
Canadian Law Students' Association
The main function of the CLSA is to make life easier for Canadian students at Bond and to facilitate the process of returning home. We provide information sessions on the National Committee of Accreditation process as well as information for Canadians wishing to stay in Australia. However it’s not all business! We also show Australians how to really celebrate Halloween and students will enjoy being part of these celebrations.
Other initiatives include the mail out to Canadian law firms along with seminars that would include going home, staying in Australia and the NCA process. CLSA also host welcome back BBQs, a Canadian Mooting Competition, organised social functions every semester and much more.
A friendly executive will introduce the rest of the student body, the administration and staff. Although students may be far from home, the CLSA is here to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Asian Law Students' Society
Bond Law has an Asian Law Student Society which assists Asian students integrate into Australian University life, study and society through holding regular seminars, functions and additional tutorials to assist our students.
Each overseas student is also offered assistance by Australian and Chinese students who act as mentors and advisors in their first semesters. For further information please contact Chinese students currently studying in the Bond University Faculty of Law to discuss their experiences and learn more about study in Australia.