When considering the fees associated with your studies, keep in mind that Bond’s accelerated schedule means you can finish your degree sooner and be out in the workforce up to a year earlier than most other universities. This time-saving also represents a substantial reduction in accommodation and living costs, plus a full year of extra earnings.
To view the program’s associated tuition fees, select the year you would like to commence study below. You can also view specific subject fee information by visiting the subjects tab and following the related subject links, or searching for the subject here.
Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.
When considering the fees associated with your studies, keep in mind that Bond’s accelerated schedule means you can finish your degree sooner and be out in the workforce up to a year earlier than most other universities. This time-saving also represents a substantial reduction in accommodation and living costs, plus a full year of extra earnings.
To view the program’s associated tuition fees, select the year you would like to commence study below. You can also view specific subject fee information by visiting the subjects tab and following the related subject links, or searching for the subject here.
Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.
This program can be completed in 2 years 8 months (8 semesters)
What year would you like to study?
Semester Program Fee
AUD $17,840The semester fees listed are displayed to provide an indicative program cost only. Fees may vary based on which subjects are selected and the number of subjects enrolled in for each semester. Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.
Total Program Fee
AUD $142,720The total fees listed provide an indicative program cost only. Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.
Semester Program Fee
AUD $23,960The semester fees listed are displayed to provide an indicative program cost only. Fees may vary based on which subjects are selected and the number of subjects enrolled in for each semester. Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.
Total Program Fee
AUD $191,680The total fees listed provide an indicative program cost only. Tuition fees are subject to change on an annual basis and will be charged at the appropriate fee for the year of enrolment.