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The universal secrets to being happy and Fin-tastic

Dr Megan Lee holding fresh fruit and vegetables
Dr Megan Lee

by Dr Megan Lee

The World Happiness Report has just been released and for the seventh year in a row, Finland is laughing all the way to the top spot.

Denmark, Iceland and Sweden are close behind, with Norway at No.7 and Australia rounding out the top 10.

Experts have put forward various theories why the five Nordic nations are consistently home to the world’s happiest people. These include:

  • High-quality institutions - Nordic countries have well-functioning democracies and low levels of corruption. 
  • Social welfare benefits - they offer generous social welfare payments and support.
  • Low levels of crime and corruption - this creates a safer and more stable environment.
  • Sense of community and social cohesion - Nordic societies prioritise building a sense of trust and unity among citizens. 
  • Cultural factors - they have a strong civic society and an educated population.

But what if there is something else at play? Perhaps something in the water – or more accurately, in their food?

We have known for a long time that a healthy diet is linked to lower levels of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. 

But recently scientists have started to look at the connection between what we eat and our mental health.

Western-style diets high in ultra-processed foods such as cakes and pizza kill off the fine balance between good and bad bacteria in our gut, which in turn impacts mood and mental health.

People in Nordic countries tend to eat food much closer to its natural state – things like fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes and fatty fish such as salmon and herring. 

A recent study exploring links between mental health and diet was conducted by the Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University.

Researchers took about 50 people who had all been diagnosed with depression and split them into two groups.

One group ate a Mediterranean-style diet which is very close to the Norwegian/Nordic diet, while the other group maintained a Western-style dietary pattern.

About 32 percent of those on the healthy diet lost their depressive symptoms, whereas only 8 percent of the control group did.

But there’s a caveat: forcing yourself to avoid the foods you really enjoy can also decrease your mood and mental health. 

A more realistic diet consists of 80 percent whole fresh foods and 20 percent of the discretionary foods that you enjoy.

That way, you can build a lifestyle around a balanced diet, rather than oscillating between bingeing and punishing restriction.

So, tuck into some salmon and blueberries, enjoy a sauna and live like a Finn – all the evidence says you’ll be happy you did.

Dr Megan Lee is a Senior Teaching Fellow at Bond University. She has a PhD in nutritional psychiatry and her research interests include nutrition and mental health, and dietary patterns and depression.

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