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Stories from Bond University

What better way to get to know a university, than through the eyes and words of their students and staff? Here, explore the latest stories from Bond, from words of wisdom for exploring your options, advice on settling into student life, or an exclusive look behind the scenes of a program or career path.  

Our latest blogs

Helping migrants through an OT lens

Students share their experience on placement in Tasmania, where they were tasked to implement a role of an occupational therapist in a Migrant Centre.

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Is your digital literacy up to scratch?

Statistics show that only 10 per cent of the population is fully digitally literate.

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201: 5 steps to a successful semester

Make it your best semester yet.

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Frankenfurters, future generations and faraway lands

As part of their mandatory overseas placement experience, the entire Bond Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice travelled to Vienna.

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Speaking at the United Nations

Sarah White shares her amazing experience at the WIMUN conference, 2018

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Telling stories at the Japanese English Model United Nations

Cloe Read gained real-world journalism experience at JEMUN

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How to support your child as they explore their interests

As you begin to acquaint yourself with university and degrees throughout your child’s learning journey, study options will seem endless. There are so many courses to consider, with a whole new class of careers on the table.

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A parent's guide: How to build resilience in teens

Armed with these seven tips, your teen will be fully prepared to overcome any obstacles that arise, including those that may seem insurmountable.

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How to guide your child to identify and grow their skills

We think our children are brilliant at everything they do – that’s just part of being a parent. Chances are, though, they’ve got some skills that really stand out, or traits that could be nurtured to benefit their future career and endeavours.

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A parent's guide to subject selection

The subjects your child selects in Year 10 for their remaining senior school years will direct their path towards whatever field of work they pursue beyond graduation. Here are our top tips for making that decision a little less stressful.

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A letter to my Year 10 self

"This is the year it all changed…. the year Netflix arrived in Australia! But even bigger, it’s the year you started your senior studies."

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7 ways to support your teen through the stresses of studying

Studying can be a demanding, stressful activity, so it's important they know they've got your support. Here are 7 ways to help.

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