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GMBA70-304: Management Control Systems


Planning and control process of organisations, particularly the financially orientated aspects that emanate from the preparation of business plans and budgets, are considered. This considers both financial measures and non-financial approaches such as Balanced Scorecard. The assignment of responsibilities in accordance with strategic aims and the subsequent design of congruent control system is emphasized (including the Levers of the Control System, Working Capital Management and Shareholder Value Analysis). The design of such control systems includes coverage of the particular levels of responsibility, variance reporting and performance incentive schemes.

Subject details

Type: Postgraduate Subject
Code: GMBA70-304
Faculty: Bond Business School
Semesters offered:
  • May - Bond-BBT MBA 2024 [Non-Standard Offering - Bond-BBT]
  • January - Bond-BBT MBA 2025 [Non-Standard Offering]
Credit: 5
Study areas:
  • Business, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship

Learning outcomes

  1. Explain the control function of management and its role in the operation of organisations
  2. Learn management control alternatives, and assess their effects in different organisational contexts
  3. Learn the financial results control systems, outline their purpose, and explain their advantages and disadvantages as management control methods
  4. Identify performance measurement techniques, and know the issues related to their application
  5. Apply current management accounting control concepts and techniques in business decision-making

Enrolment requirements



Assumed knowledge:

Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of knowledge of a subject area that students are assumed to have acquired through previous study. It is the responsibility of students to ensure they meet the assumed knowledge expectations of the subject. Students who do not possess this prior knowledge are strongly recommended against enrolling and do so at their own risk. No concessions will be made for students’ lack of prior knowledge.

Assumed Prior Learning (or equivalent):

Restrictions: This subject is not available to
  • Study Abroad Students

Must be admitted into a BBT/MBA Program

This subject is not available as a general elective. To be eligible for enrolment, the subject must be specified in the students’ program structure.

Subject dates

  • Non-Standard Offering - Bond-BBT
    Enrolment opens: 17/03/2024
    Semester start: 26/08/2024
    Subject start: 26/08/2024
    Last enrolment: 26/08/2024
    Teaching census: 29/08/2024
    Withdraw - Financial: 30/08/2024
    Withdraw - Academic: 01/09/2024
  • Non-Standard Offering
    Enrolment opens: 10/11/2024
    Semester start: 20/01/2025
    Subject start: 20/01/2025
    Last enrolment: 26/01/2025
    Teaching census: 03/02/2025
    Withdraw - Financial: 04/02/2025
    Withdraw - Academic: 13/02/2025
Non-Standard Offering - Bond-BBT
Enrolment opens: 17/03/2024
Semester start: 26/08/2024
Subject start: 26/08/2024
Last enrolment: 26/08/2024
Teaching census: 29/08/2024
Withdraw - Financial: 30/08/2024
Withdraw - Academic: 01/09/2024