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IPES abstract submissions

We welcome abstract submissions for presentation as:

  • a free paper (15min oral presentation),
  • poster presentation

While preference is given to completed research, ongoing research will be considered by the scientific reviewing committee. All abstracts will be peer reviewed and accepted abstracts published in a book of abstracts. Selected abstracts / authors will also be invited to submit a full manuscript for potential publication in a special edition in the journal โ€˜Workโ€™. Please follow the below guidelines for abstract submission.

Please complete and return one copy of the abstract template provided below for each abstract that you wish to submit. Only two abstracts will be accepted per presenting author. Attach the abstract template (word file) to the conference email ( Please provide only ONE abstract per email. Enter the following subject title in the email: Abstract Submission IPES 2023.

When saving your abstract, please use the following file-naming convention to ensure easy identification of your abstract: 


E.g. For Dr T Surname this would be: SURNAME_T_IPES2023_1.doc

Repeat this process for every abstract that you wish to submit for consideration. 

Only abstracts formatted as per the guidelines and template will be considered.

Please find the abstract template here

Find an example of the abstract template here

Important dates

The abstract submission CLOSING DATE is 21 October 2022 

Abstract acceptance notification will occur by 25 November 2022 

 โ€˜Early birdโ€™ registration discount CLOSING DATE is 16 December 2022.