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Stories from Bond University

What better way to get to know a university, than through the eyes and words of their students and staff? Here, explore the latest stories from Bond, from words of wisdom for exploring your options, advice on settling into student life, or an exclusive look behind the scenes of a program or career path.  

Our latest blogs

Bondies Abroad | 10 tips for surviving student life in Canada

Emma Bastian is on exchange at the University of Western Ontario.

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WANTED: Unconventional Thinkers

Some people aren’t destined for the traditional.

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Bondies Abroad | Tsinghua University

The world's window into China.

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Meet our Bondies | Melanie Watt

Meet Bachelor of Information Technology, Master of Finance and Master of Business Administration alumna Melanie Watt.

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Bondies Abroad | Wandering Seoul

Bachelor of International Relations/Bachelor of Laws student, Chloe Yoo shares an insight into student life on exchange at Yonsei University, South Korea.

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Is too much medicine too much of a good thing?

How can modern medicine, which has eradicated global diseases and cured once-debilitating conditions, be too much of a good thing?

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Island Class | Where class meets coastal paradise

This isn't your regular university class.

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From mentee to mentor | Inside the Bond Business School mentor program

As a small university, Bond offers personal support that simply isn’t possible at other institutions. The Bond Business School mentor program is one example.

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Why there's never been a more exciting time to study journalism

Podcasts are thriving. Digital media is being consumed at an unprecedented pace. Journalists can reach larger, more targeted audiences than ever before.

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Women in Media: Glynis Traill-Nash on being a fashion editor and the future of Australian fashion

Communications student Phoebe Le Page interviewed Glynis Traill-Nash at the 2019 Women in Media Conference.

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The pathway to becoming a registered psychologist

Psychologists make a daily difference in the lives of others.

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Meet our Bondies | Glenda Abraham

Meet Master of Business Administration alumna Glenda Abraham.

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