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Meet our Bondies | Melanie Watt

In our first 30 years, almost 30,000 alumni have graduated from Bond University. To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’re showcasing some of the past students who have paved the way for the next generation of Bondies.

Meet Bachelor of Information Technology, Master of Finance (CRICOS 063125K) and Master of Business Administration (CRICOS 108627A) alumna Melanie Watt. 

What is your current role, and which company is it with?            

Principal Business Analyst, Commonwealth Bank.

Where are you based?

Gold Coast.

Why did you choose to attend Bond?    

I lived nearby and I liked the idea of finishing my degree sooner, though after completing three degrees I ended up finishing at Bond nearly 12 years later!

What are your recollections of your time here?

Fantastic lecturers, great friends, great parties.

How has being a Bond graduate helped you in your career?       

I just feel really confident in everything I learnt at Bond and still use much of the knowledge and skills on a daily basis.

Melanie Watt

What have been your career highlights so far?

Delivering cutting edge banking technology in the biggest bank in the country is very exciting. My projects deliver value to many millions of customers and I feel proud of being competent enough for that responsibility.

What advice would you give to current Bondies?            

Enjoy your time at Bond, you will make friends for life from all over the world.

What does it mean to you to be a Bondy?           

I have an inner pride about being a Bondy, but it’s hard to explain the experience to others who haven’t been there.

What is your favourite memory of Bond?

Hard to choose just one -- toga party, pub crawl, learning interesting things, MBA camp.

Anything else you would like to share?

Really looking forward to seeing everyone again!

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