Breast Cancer Screening
Breast Cancer is the most common cancer for women effecting 1 in 7 women in Australia in their lifetime. Since the introduction of regular, free breast screening mortality rates have dropped nationally by 34%.
Breast screen Queensland offers free Breast screening to Women aged 50 to 74 at clinics located across the Gold Coast, no referral needed. Screening is recommended every 2 years.
For more information see
To hear experiences shared by Breast Cancer survivors on the screening process and effect Breast Cancer has had on their lives see Client stories | BreastScreen Queensland
Patients NOT aged 50 to 74 but with a family history of Breast Cancer or Breast changes can be eligible for free screening also. Please book in with Bond University Medical Clinic or your local GP to discuss eligibility and obtain a referral.
*Note: Breast Screening is performed through Queensland Health and NOT performed at Bond University Medical Clinic*