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Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice

Where will your degree take you?

The Australian Government’s Job Outlook rates the future growth in demand for dietitians as strong. The number of nutrition professionals is expected grow moderately (7.9%) from 2021 to 2026.

More than 85% of nutritionists and dietitians work in the broad area of health care and social assistance. 

Bond’s Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice program has been designed to prepare graduates with the professional qualifications required to apply their skills and experience across a range of areas, including clinical dietetics in hospitals and outpatient facilities, private practice, food service management, corporate health and wellness, sports nutrition, nutrition communications and media, nutrition in childcare, schools and aged care facilities, and community and public health nutrition in Australia and globally.

Graduates may also wish to progress to further post-graduate research leading to potential career options in research organisations and academia.



Dietitians provide medical nutrition therapy to people of all ages in a range of settings including hospitals, aged care facilities, outpatient clinics, sporting organisations and online (telehealth), and offer support in making dietary changes to either prevent or manage a specific health condition, or for maximising performance as an athlete.


Dietetic graduates with an interest in research can work in an array of health and research settings including universities, the food industry, hospitals and health services, national government departments and research institutes. As the field of food and nutrition is broad, nutrition-related research projects are vast and can include food science (the physical, biological, and chemical components of food), the psychology of eating and behaviour change, and clinical nutrition.


Public health nutritionists work with groups, communities, and populations to promote and maintain health and wellbeing through planned nutrition initiatives.  Common settings where public health nutritionists work include national and international government health departments, local community development organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services and organisations, not-for-profit agencies, schools, and the food industry.

Food industry consultant

Graduates with dietetic qualifications can consult to the food industry in a range of ways. For example, they can provide nutrition training for staff working in the food industry, provide ingredient, recipe and menu reviews to ensure both adequate nutrition and food and environment sustainability, work in food industry regulation initiatives and new product development.

Professional accreditation

Bond’s Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice (MNDP) program has Full Accreditation with Dietitians Australia (DA) up until 30 September 2028. Graduates from MNDP program are eligible to become DA members with dietetic qualifications and to join the Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) Program

The University is required to maintain a current accreditation status as outlined in the DA accreditation process.

The Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice program also has candidacy as a Foreign Dietitian Education Program (FDE) by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606-6995, 1(312) 899-0040 ext. 5400; Website: To become a US Registered Dietitian, graduates will need to complete a program of supervised practice hours in the United States of America prior to being eligible to sit the Registered Dietitian Examination. More information about the ACEND accreditation standards is available here.

For more information, please contact Associate Professor Dianne Reidlinger. If you have a complaint regarding the operation of the Bond University Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice program in relation to the program’s compliance with the FDE accreditation standards, you should contact the ACEND.

Program learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge, skills and abilities that will be achieved on completion of the program. These outcomes will help you determine whether this program aligns with your professional pathway, career and learning goals.

Career readiness

Nutrition and Dietetic Practice students seek more sustainable future for food services

Discover the framework developed by Bond’s Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice graduates that can be used to implement environmentally sustainable food services initiatives in the future. 

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How Nutrition and Dietetic Practice students are completing placements during COVID-19

Learn how Bond’s Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice team tackled professional placements during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Bondies have a gut feeling about ginger

Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice and PhD graduate, Megan Crichton leads the charge in the GINGA GUT study. 

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Program mission, goals, and objectives

Program mission, goals and objectives

The mission of the Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice program at Bond University is to prepare competent, entry-level dietitians for practice in Australia and the rest of the world who improve health and performance through collaborative, innovative and evidence-based practice and research.

Outcome data measuring achievement of program objectives is available on request. To request more information, email

The program goals and corresponding objectives (Key Performance Indicators [KPIs]) are as outlined below. 

Goal 1

Prepare competent, collaborative graduate dietitians for existing and emerging areas of dietetics practice and research in Australia and the rest of the world.

Objectives (KPIs):

  • At least 80% of research internship preceptors* one year after the graduation of their research interns  “agree” or “strongly agree” regarding graduates' preparation to work at an entry level in the nutrition and dietetics research field

  • At least 90% of employers* of Program graduates in their first year of employment report “agree” or “strongly agree” regarding the graduate’s knowledge and skill preparation for entry-level practice

  • At least 80% of program students complete program requirements within 3 years (150% of planned program length)

* Proportions relate to those who respond to a survey or participate in a phone interview

Goal 2

Prepare graduates to apply knowledge and skills relevant to the innovative and evidence-based practice of nutrition and dietetics.

Objectives (KPIs):

  • At least 90% of graduates* after their first year of employment report “agree” or “strongly agree” regarding their knowledge and skill preparation for entry level nutrition and dietetics practice.

  • Of graduates who seek employment, at least 70% are employed in nutrition and dietetics, or related fields within 12 months of graduation.

*Proportions relate to those who respond to a survey

Graduation and program completion

Graduation and program completion

In order to complete the program and receive a verification statement, students must attain the Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice degree and complete the requirements outlined below. 

Requirements to be met 
  • All required internships with at least 1200 supervised practice hours.

  • At least a pass grade (50% or greater) in all required graded subjects (listed above), and an ungraded pass in all ungraded internship subjects.

  • Satisfactory performance in all Dietitians Australia Competency Standards, ACEND core knowledge and competencies, and program-specific competencies.

  • Satisfactory completion of a comprehensive portfolio of evidence of achievement of all required competency standards, and defence of the portfolio in a panel interview sufficient to achieve safe and competent practice as an entry level dietitian.

  • Attendance at all required classroom sessions, field trips and orientation days. 

Take your skill set to the next level

Watch the lateral entry information video, here

Pathway into Medicine

The Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice offers a pathway into Bond’s medical program for domestic and international students. The selection process to enter Year 2 of the Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMedSt) will be based on GPA requirements, psychometric testing, and an interview. Applicants must also meet the broader entry requirements for the BMedSt. Please also note that places in Year 2 of the BMedSt are limited and dependent on availability. Watch the lateral entry information video

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Research and Academia

The concentrated research focus including 20 weeks of research internship prepares graduates to progress to further postgraduate research and careers in research and academia, as well as bolstering research networks. Research skills and experience are highly valued in clinical and other roles, giving our graduates an employability edge whatever their interests.

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