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Sunrise shines a light on Bond

Sunrise weatherman Sam Mac and crew at the Bond University campus. PICTURE: Cavan Flynn

Bond University hosted Channel 7’s Sunrise weatherman Sam Mac for a series of live crosses that showcased the campus and gave film and journalism students a taste of their future careers.

The live crosses included chats with Vice Chancellor and President Tim Brailsford, Bond’s Australian swimmers Alex Graham and Laura Taylor, and Medicine students.

Film and TV students set up a live studio and control room of their own that put Sam at the controls for once, an opportunity he relished.

Don’s Tavern made an unexpected cameo, and Dr Jessica Stokes-Parish showed off her moulage skills, creating hyper-realistic fake wounds on students using special effects make-up.

Bachelor of Journalism student Jessica Borten was one of those who shadowed the Sunrise crew and interviewed Sam about life on the national TV show.

"Beyond my journalism degree, I’m quite keen on entering the broadcast industry so the visit from Channel 7 was a great opportunity to see the reverse architecture of live television,” Ms Borten said.

"It was a chance to pick up some tricks of the trade from journalists and producers with extensive experience in the field.

"Even having to get up before the sun gave me a taste for what it's really like to work on a breakfast show.

"My Oma (grandma) saw me on TV which I'm sure she was very excited about."

Naomi Cant, who is also studying for a Bachelor of Journalism, also rose at 4am to see the crew in action.

"It was fantastic to have the opportunity to go behind the scenes and see what happens in the media industry," she said.

"The (Channel 7) crew were extremely welcoming and informative.

"At the end of the day, I think it's really important to love what you do as that comes across in their work."

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