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New full-fee architecture scholarships on offer at Bond

Bond University has partnered with three of Queensland’s leading construction companies to offer full-fee scholarships to University students planning to study a Master of Architecture.

Condev Construction and Homecorp Constructions, together with an anonymous donor, will provide a total of five scholarships at the University’s prestigious Abedian School of Architecture commencing in the September 2020 semester.

The scholarships are open to both domestic and international students interested in studying the accredited Master of Architecture program at Bond.

Students who receive the inaugural Master of Architecture Scholarships will also be offered mentorship and internship opportunities, gaining valuable first-hand experience from industry professionals.

Head of the Abedian School of Architecture, Professor Chris Knapp said the University was exceptionally grateful to the new industry partners whose generous support, especially during the current economic climate, would help create career pathways for high achieving students.

“The alignment of our Abedian School of Architecture with construction industry partners is a sign of the important evolution of architects and builders collaborating to achieve a built environment of the highest quality,” Professor Knapp said.

“Our program, which emphasises learning architectural practice through the use of cutting-edge fabrication and robotic technologies, is well-placed to help drive construction industry innovation, and will position our students to acquire a breadth of knowledge from these partners that would not otherwise be possible.

“Our aim is to create future architects that are, critically, both masterful designers and intelligent builders,” he said.

Condev Construction Managing Director, Steve Marais said the scholarships will provide a unique opportunity for both international and domestic students looking to get a foothold in the construction industry.

“It’s no secret that Bond University is one of the world’s leading tertiary institutions and we want to give students a leg-up in degrees they are passionate in pursuing but may not have the financial means necessary,” Mr Marais said.

“Contributing to Bond’s full-fee scholarship program for a Master of Architecture degree is our way of supporting the bright minds of the future, in the hope that they will someday be the new leaders in the construction industry.”

Homecorp Constructions CEO and Founder, Ron Bakir said he appreciates having a supportive role in the education and mentorship of future architects.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to be part of helping our younger generation flourish in this creative and inspiring industry.”

Executive Dean of Bond’s Faculty of Society and Design, Professor Derek Carson said the industry partnerships forged over the new Master of Architecture scholarships would lead to an exciting step forward for the students’ studies and future endeavours.

“Effective, impactful, and inspirational tertiary education requires universities and industry partners to work together to ensure graduates of our programs are as best prepared as possible for the careers they aspire to,” Professor Carson said.

“Working with three of Queensland’s most influential construction companies in this progressive way is both exciting and rewarding.”

The successful scholars will begin their studies in either the September 2020 semester or the January 2021 semester.

The architecture school’s Patron, Soheil Abedian commended local businesses for their continued backing of quality education.

“It is deeply encouraging to see the increased support for Architecture scholarships from other Gold Coast businesses and I commend Condev and Homecorp, along with the anonymous donor, for their generosity in supporting education,” Dr Abedian said.  

“Hopefully this will open the pathway for others to also contribute to higher education and assist our younger generation with this first step in entering the architectural world,” he said.

“Strengthening education is a key pillar to our community’s future prosperity, and we all need to assist young people in whatever way we can.”

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