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Cohort Innovation Space and Bond University to accelerate healthcare innovation through LuminaX Partnership

Bond University has announced a new partnership with Cohort Innovation Space that will support promising Australian entrepreneurs and provide post-graduate students the opportunity to practically apply their learnings within the emerging sectors of healthtech and medtech.

The partnership will see the highly-acclaimed team from Bond University’s Healthcare Innovations program work with the LuminaX HealthTech Accelerator, a 14-week innovation program that fast-tracks commercialisation and market readiness for 10 Australian startups.

Bond University continues to be at the forefront of health education, with their Australian-first Healthcare Innovations Programs strengthening post-graduates’ abilities to navigate research evidence, critically evaluate health systems and practices, and use data and technology to identify opportunities for sustainable innovations. 

In line with the LuminaX partnership, Cohort can announce that Bond University is in final preparations around capstone research projects with two LuminaX alumni, Beyond the Clinic and Hearoes. 

These capstone placements are designed to facilitate Healthcare Innovations masters students to plan and undertake important research projects with industry innovators. Currently the focus for these two healthtech startups is on clarifying users’ perspectives of purpose-designed technology tools, to maximise benefits for users and the health professionals who are working with them.

Cohort General Manager Ariana Margetts said that Bond University has an unrivalled track record for supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and industry development and that strong university partnerships are crucial to fostering a local talent pipeline that will support the rapid growth of the healthtech industry.

“Over time, we expect to connect individuals in future partnerships, where our students end up working and/or researching with local innovators. Together they will be developing tools and strategies to enhance our local populations’ healthcare experiences and outcomes.”

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