The Pitching Research Matters course has been designed for research-enabled students or novice researchers who may be feeling frustrated, lost, or even overwhelmed at the beginning of a research journey. If you are looking for a robust strategy to kickstart your research planning, then this course is definitely for you!
As a novice researcher, it is time-critical that you are able to effectively communicate your research ideas in a clear and succinct manner. Among other things, this skill of research communication is a necessary condition for you to receive timely expert guidance and critical feedback.
This course helps to facilitate foundational understanding of that communication process by providing a simple yet comprehensive framework, operationalised via a 'pitching' template. The simple 'magic' of this style of pitching your research comes from building your confidence and empowering you to start a meaningful conversation with an experienced research mentor. In this course, you will explore the core building blocks of the effective research pitch that is part of responsible science.
This course is currently provided free of charge and is available to complete online at any time via our high-quality learner platform.