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Bonding with the Bull Sharks: Michael Collins

Director of Sport Michael Collins sitting near Bond Swimming pool

Michael Collins, Director of Sport

Where are you from? 

New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.

When did you move to the Gold Coast? 

August 2022.

What sport did you grow up playing? 

Rugby union, swimming, surf life saving and cricket.

Do you have a favourite sport team (other than the Bull Sharks teams!)? 

All Blacks & Seattle Seahawks.

What are you currently streaming? 

The Good Doctor.

Where might we find you on a day off? 

Beach or mountains or golf course.

Who inspires you the most? 

The underdog, anyone who has faced adversity and persevered, people who don’t give up.

What’s your favourite beer? 

Currently doing (local) market research, current favourites: Fixation IPA, Black Hops Super Hornet & Balter XPA. The AFL lads tried to get me onto Carlton Draught….not a winner in my book.

What would be your ultimate holiday destination and why? 

Good question…Not sure of the location but it needs to be warm, needs to be close to a surf beach and close to a couple of world class golf courses. No Internet or cell phone coverage would be a bonus.

What is one of your greatest sporting memories? 

I don’t want this to sound like a cliche but in my experience the wins, the losses, the tours all turn into a blurred memory over time. Three things that continue to stand out to me:

  • The people you spend time playing with and playing against.
  • Playing on the Gully Ground for the New Plymouth Boys High School 1st XV with good (school) mates.
  • Watching athletes/teams fulfil their potential.

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