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Dr Stephanie Schweiker

Associate Professor

Level 1, Building 5, Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Bond University

Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine

Centre for Urology Research

Accepting PhD Students

Professional biography

Research Experience: Research project (2006-2007) Synthesis of Carbohydrates. Dr. Darren Grice, Griffith University, Institute for Glycomics, Gold Coast, Australia. Research project (2010) Synthesis of target nitroxide used for clinical trials. Prof Steven Bottle and Dr Kathryn Fairfull-Smith, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Research project (2010) Boranic acids as fluorescence sensors. Dr. Todd Houston, Griffith University, Institute for glycomics, Gold Coast, Australia. Postdoctoral research project (2011) IR spectroscopy/electrochemistry of lipid bilayers and redox proteins. Dr. Andreas Erbe, Interface Spectroscopy group, Max-Planck-Institute fรผr Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE), Dรผsseldorf, Germany. Recent Publications: Stephanie S. Schweiker, Wendy A. Loughlin, Christopher L. Brown, and Gregory K. Pierens, J. Pept. Sci. 2009, 15, 442โ€“450. Stephanie S. Schweiker, Ian D. Jenkins, Luke C. Henderson, Wendy A. Loughlin, Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 1576-1582.

Research interests

Dr Schweiker and Dr Levonis lead the medicinal chemistry research group at Bond University. They have multiple research students working on the development of novel compounds for various diseases and technologies, as well as chemical analysis of different biological/chemical systems.


Dr Schweiker is active in the field of chemical education and has multiple publications on the development and outcomes of new educational technologies to enhance student learning.  Stephanie is the current treasurer of the national division of chemical education with the royal Australian chemical institute and her current educational interest is in the development of gamified virtual laboratory experiments to assist disadvantaged or remote secondary schools throughout Australia.   

Teaching expertise

Teaching assistant in - Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Food and Drug Analysis, Physical Chemistry, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry of Biological Systems, Pharmaceutical Analysis, and Clinical Pharmacology (2006-2010) GAMSAT (since 2010)

Professional admissions

  • Treasurer of the national division of chemical education for the Royal Australian Chemical Institute
  • Chartered member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (MRACI CCHEM)
  • Member โ€“ American Chemical Society
  • Member โ€“ Chemistry Discipline Network

Professional appointments

  • Postdoctoral Researcher - Max-Planck-Institute für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE), Düsseldorf, Germany


  • Organic Chemistry, PhD, Griffith University, Award Date: 17 Feb 2011

Fields of Research

  • Clinical sciences

Statement for HDR students

Projects are available for potential HDR and project students in the areas of compound design, chemical analysis and chemical education. The available projects may vary so please email Dr Stephan Levonis or myself to find out our current projects.

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