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Prof Peter Jones

Professor Of Paediatric Medicine

Level 2, Building 5, Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Bond University

Professional biography

Professor Peter Jones has an extensive background in strategic and operational leadership in the fields of research, program development and engagement with the wider clinical community. As an academic General Paediatrician, Professor Jones has held various posts for the University of Newcastle over a 14 year period where he obtained his PhD in airway's inflammation. Professor Jones was the foundation Chair of Rural Health from 2002-2007 and was Director of both the University of Rural Health and the Rural Clinical School. Professor Jones developed many educational innovations in the field of inter-professional education and quality improvement clinical implementation studies and has a breadth of research experience that includes laboratory, translational, clinical, qualitative and educational research and have the capacity to seek out partners to help find the appropriate mix of supervisors to ensure post-graduate students are able to complete their research degrees in a range of disciplines in different geographical locations. Prior to commencing at Bond University Professor Jones was the Director of the Ochsner Program and Year 3 and 4 of the University of Queensland's medical school. In this position he established a clinical school in New Orleans in the USA and developed an academic program that will allow US students to complete an Australian medical degree by doing the first two years of study in Brisbane and the final two clinical years in New Orleans.

Professional admissions

  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Professional appointments

  • Editor - Australasian Division, International Electronic Journal or Rural and Rem


  • Doctor of Philosophy University of Newcastle
  • Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery University of Sydney
  • Diploma of Child Health Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom
  • FRACP Fellow of The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Division of Paediatrics

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