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Kieran Le Plastrier

Assistant Professor

Office 5, Level 2, Building 5, Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Bond University

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Professional biography

Dr Le Plastrier graduated from Monash University in 2002 with Honours, and has been a practising physician for 20 years. His career has included training with the College of Surgeons and College of Psychiatry, before completing his Fellowship is General Practice. His PhD, undertaken at the University of Western Sydney, was an inquiry into the impact of the '4-hour rule' in hospital emergency departments in Australia, which uncovered a rich and uncertain sense of the epistemological and ontological bases of why we do what we do in medicine. With his colleague, Dr Lesley Kuhn, they have published an introduction to their complex, entropic, and ethical (ComEntEth) model of the structure of relations of healthcare and the energetic transactions and transformations that underpin how things get done in healthcare. Dr Le Plastrier is an international-award winning educator who promotes a dialogic approach to learning in which pupil and tutor begin as equals in their discovery of the knowledge and practice of medicine - that privileged and storied profession in service to human societies for millennia in which a central attractor of purpose arises from the relationships that, at its core, define and make meaning of all healthcare.

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