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Prof Keitha Dunstan


Level 5, Building 1, Arch Building, Bond University

Professional biography

As Provost, Professor Dunstan oversees the implementation of the research, learning and teaching strategies of the University. Her role also encompasses the Bond University College preparation and pathway programs. She has been Chair of the Bond University Women's Network since 2014 and was the Chair of Academic Senate 2012 - 2016. Her first appointment at Bond was as Head of the School of Business in 2009.

Prior to her appointment at Bond she was a Commissioner of the New Zealand Securities Commission 2003-2011. In 2005, she was appointed as a member of the New Zealand Securities Commission Audit Committee and was the Chairman of this committee from 2008 until 2011. Keitha has also held several senior positions at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand 2000 - 2009, including Head of Accounting and Commercial Law and was founding Director of the Centre for Accounting, Governance and Taxation Research.

She is a Fellow of CPA Australia. Member of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Keitha is a Gold Coast Business Events Ambassador for Gold Coast Tourism, a past President of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand 2005-2007, a past co-editor of the 'Pacific Accounting Review' 2002-2006 and a member of the editorial board of Accounting and Finance.

Keitha is a proud descendant of the Mandandanji people of south-west Queensland.

Research interests

I am currently the Provost of Bond University with oversight of all academic, research, learning and teaching matters. My position encompasses the Transformation CoLab, the Bond University College preparation and pathway programs, and the Microcredential Unit.  I have been the Chair of the Bond University Women’s Network since January 2014.

I was the Chair of Academic Senate of Bond University for four years (2012-2016). The Academic Senate is the peak advisory body to the Vice Chancellor on academic matters and the highest forum for academic discussion and debate within Bond University. As the Chair of Academic Senate, I oversee all of the University level Academic Committees and am responsible for all Academic Policies.

I was the Head, School of Business, Bond University November 2009 – December 2012 (when the school was disestablished). The School was comprised of six departments: Accounting; Economics and Statistics; Finance; Global Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Family Business; Management; and Marketing. The School had approximately 100 equivalent full-time academic staff.

I was a Commissioner of the New ZealandSecurities Commission 2003-2011. In 2005, I was appointed as a member of the New Zealand Securities Commission Audit Committee and was the Chairman of this committee from 2008 until 2011. During my time at the Commission the decision was made for NZ to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards and we issued the first Corporate Governance Guidelines for NZ.

I held three positions at the Victoria of University of Wellington prior to joining Bond University. I was the Head of the School of Accounting and Commercial Law from June 2006 – October 2009. I was the Research Professor in the School of Accounting and Commercial Law from 2000 – 2006. I was the founding Director of the Centre for Accounting, Governance and Taxation Research from 2001 – 2007.

I am a Chartered Accountant, Fellow of CPA Australia and have twenty-eight years experience as a University academic. I commenced my academic career at Queensland University of Technology, Australia, in 1989, where I remained until accepting my appointment at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. My research interests are in the areas of corporate governance, business leadership diversity and financial accounting. I have published articles in numerous international refereed journals including Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Financial Accountability and Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Accounting, and Finance and the International Journal of Accounting Research.

I was the New Zealand President of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (2005 – 2007) and President Elect (2003-2004). I am a past co-editor of the “Pacific Accounting Review” (2002 -2006), a member of the editorial board of “Accounting and Finance” since 2002, and a member of the advisory committee of the Annual Asia-Pacific Conference on Accounting Issues since 2007.

I am a Gold Coast Business Events Ambassador for Gold Coast Tourism. I am a founding trustee of the Governance Education Trust, a New Zealand based NGO established to promote capacity building for the governance of sustainable natural resource development in developing countries including Fiji, Vietnam, Mongolia, Tanzania and Nigeria financed by the World Bank and other international organisations.

I am also a proud descendant of the Mandandanji poeple of SW Queensland.



  • Business, PhD, University of Queensland, Award Date: 26 Sep 1999

Fields of Research

  • Accounting, auditing and accountability

Articles featured in

  • First Nations

    Speaking up on reconciliation

    They are three women from vastly different fields but share a love of identity, family and Country. Here's a glimpse of the Speak Up forum led by Bond University Provost Professor Keitha Dunstan.

    Read article

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