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Bond University Professor wins prestigious medical award

Dr Paul Glasziou, the Director of the Centre for Research into Evidence-Based Practice at Bond University’s Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine was awarded the prestigious Bridges-Webb medal in Brisbane last night.

The Bridges-Webb medal is awarded by the Australian Association for Primary Care Inc as recognition for members who have made and will continue to make international standard teaching and/or research contributions to academic activities in the general practice environment.

Dr Glasziou’s distinguished career as both an academic and General Practitioner has seen him most recently working in the United Kingdom as Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, at Oxford University and has published 180 peer reviewed journals.

Dr Glasziou is honoured to have been awarded the Bridges-Webb medal, seeing it as an indication that his work in identifying and removing the barriers to using high quality research in everyday clinical practice is recognised as an important teaching and research avenue in delivering better overall patient care.

“I am firstly honoured to have even been nominated for this award as it’s recognition from my peers that my work and research into how we can implement the latest research into everyday clinical practices is seen of both national and international importance,” Dr Glasziou said.

“Over the past eight or so years, firstly at Oxford and now at Bond University, I’ve led over 100 workshops in this area with the aim of improving primary care; which is why I co-founded the, ‘Brisbane Initiative’, to foster leadership in this field.”

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Professor Richard Hays congratulated Dr Glasziou on his achievement.

“Dr Glasziou’s outstanding achievement recognises his prolific research and outstanding contribution to the field of medicine and on behalf of the Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, I congratulate him for this award,” Professor Hays said.

“It is an outstanding achievement, not just on an individual level, but also a great reflection on the Faculty’s programs and philosophical approach to teaching as a whole; showcasing the high calibre of staff and students we have assembled here at Bond University.”

About Dr Paul P Glasziou

Paul P Glasziou MBBS, PhD, FRACGP is currently Professor and Director of the Centre for Research into Evidence-Based Practice at Bond University and has worked as a part-time General Practitioner since 1993. From 2003-2010 he was the Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, at Oxford University. His research and teaching interests are in improving medical decision making, including clinical trials, systematic reviews, clinical monitoring, and evidence-based medicine.

Dr Glasziou's key interests include identifying and removing the barriers to using high quality research in everyday clinical practice. To this end he has developed several popular workshops in evidence-based medicine. As Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine since 2002, Professor Glasziou has lead over 100 workshops, in several countries, on both practicing Evidence-Based Medicine, and how to teach Evidence-Based Medicine. He co-founded the "Brisbane Initiative", an international collaboration to foster leadership in primary care research, and was editor of the BMJ’s journal of Evidence-Based Medicine for 10 years. He has been a chief investigator on numerous grants totalling over AUD$15 million.

Current Appointments

Professor in Evidence-Based Medicine, Bond University, Australia (F/T) and
Department of Primary Care, University of Oxford (P/T)
Governing Body Fellow of Kellogg College, University of Oxford

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