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The 2018 Mayor’s Student Ambassadors Have Arrived

Bond University students from Australia, Canada and France are among the 2018 Mayor’s Student Ambassadors, who will champion the Gold Coast as a world class study destination.

The three Bondies were among 35 Ambassadors from 15 nations, who were inducted into the Gold Coast's new Student Hub this week.

A record number of applicants vied for the honour in what is now the 5th year of this highly successful program.

With all eyes on the Gold Coast during the Commonwealth Games, this year’s Ambassadors will play a vital role in promoting the city as they share their stories with the world.

Bond University students named in the prestigious program this year include Australian Law and Business student Taylor Birtchnell; International Relations and Project Management student Sunny Andelebi from Canada, and Nicolas Offroy, who is studying Project Management at Bond University, and comes all the way from France.

The three students join Bondies Celia Innerarity from Jamaica and Anita Kissi from Canada, who were selected as Commonwealth Nation Ambassadors in May last year, and continue to represent the city in preparation for the upcoming Commonwealth Games.

The Mayor’s Student Ambassador Program has produced many outstanding alumni including Bond University student, Rose Lopez, who recently chaired one of eleven General Assembly Committees at the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) model conference (WIMUN).  

Many of the current Ambassadors have also represented at State and National level forums including the Queensland International Student Advisory Panel and Council of International Students Australia.

The city’s latest Ambassador inductees will be engaged in a range of official City of Gold Coast and community events. As the 2018 Ambassadors they’ll also be significantly involved in a host of Commonwealth Games opportunities.

Study Gold Coast CEO Shannon Willoughby says: “The ambassador program is a true testament to the real student diversity which exists on the Gold Coast. With students, both local and international, from 15 nations and 10 institutions, we are seeing a great mix of culture and diversity in the study area and our institutions. This program is really at the heart of the objectives of Study Gold Coast and the city, which is to be the most welcoming student city in Australia.”

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