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Conduct in the Library


Please use the Library and Multimedia Learning Centre facilities responsibly and fairly. These guidelines are designed to ensure the comfort of all customers.

The guidelines and responsibilities apply to all students, staff, alumni and visitors.

Food & Drink

The following kinds of food and drink are allowed in the Library:

  • Drinks in covered containers (non-alcoholic)
  • Packaged, dry snack foods and fruit can be consumed outside of the silent study areas

Please enjoy all other food before entering the Library or Multimedia Learning spaces.

Computers and keyboards stay cleaner by keeping food and drink away. Please only eat while seated at a table or desk and ensure that all empty containers and rubbish are placed in bins.

Equitable Access

The Library facilities and collections are for the enjoyment and use of all Bond students and staff. Consider how your behaviour can impact on other Bondies:

  • Return your loans on time
  • Keep within the group study room booking time limits
  • Cancel room bookings if you no longer need them
  • Vacate seats at computers if you are not logged in during busy times
  • If using your own laptop or device, sit at a desk without a computer
  • Students must follow the Bond University Student Code of Conduct
  • Staff must follow the Bond University Staff Code of Conduct


The Libraries and Multimedia Learning Centre provide a variety of spaces designed for groups or private individual study. Please be aware of your impact on other students especially in the silent study spaces:

  • Please set your phone to silent while in the Library
  • Keep conversations at a reasonable volume
  • Use phones away from the quiet zones
  • Use headphones or earbuds at the computers when viewing video or listening to audio
 Main LibraryLaw LibraryMultimedia Learning Centre
Quiet Conversation
  • Level 2
  • Mezzanine Level 3
  • Group Study rooms Level 2 & 4
  • Level 2
  • Group study rooms Level 3
  • General area
  • Global Links room
Silent Study
  • Level 3
  • Level 4
  • Level 2 collection area
  • Level 3 area as signed
  • Digital Media Hub


Library customers are expected to:

  • Monitor their Bond email, or for non-Bond customers their registered email address, for notices from the Library. Please note that delivery of notices to non-Bond email addresses cannot be guaranteed. Some domains place restrictions on messages coming from automated messaging systems
  • Return loans on time
  • Take care of and be responsible for items borrowed from the Library on their account
  • Be responsible for any recovery costs levied for lost or damaged items
  • Avoid conduct which disrupts the teaching, learning or research activities of other students and staff, or which interferes with others performing their duties
In relation to use of licensed online Library resources
  • Comply with all Bond University policies and any separate terms of service laid out by the resource provider.
  • Use only for educational, research or personal use
  • Unless expressly allowed by the provider/copyright owner:
    1. Do not upload content to generative AI tools
    2. Do not use for commercial purposes
  • Respect the copyright owners' legal rights
  • Refrain from systematic downloading including use of software such as scripts, agents or robots (website crawlers, offline browsers, browser plugins)
  • Refrain from sharing credentials and downloading on behalf of unauthorised users
  • Refrain from uploading licensed online resources such as journal articles, abstracts, books and data to artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT, Perplexity and other third-party platforms, without the express permission from the provider/copyright owner.


Sue Hutley

General Manager - Library Customer Services

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