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Meet our Bondies | Richard McDougall

In our first 30 years, almost 30,000 alumni have graduated from Bond University. To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’re showcasing some of the past students who have paved the way for the next generation of Bondies.

Meet Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws alumnus (CRICOS 093908G) Richard McDougall.

What is your current role?

I’m currently the Regional Director in Queensland for Westpac and a Co-Founder and Director of Hamilton12, a company that creates and validates financial algorithms for the investment management industry.

Where are you based?

I’m incredibly lucky and fortunate enough to be based on the Gold Coast. 

What are your recollections of your time here?

Amazing, fun times with what have now become lifelong friends. Special mention to Don’s Tavern and American exchange students.

How has being a Bond graduate helped you in your career?

Undeniably the strong network of alumni has been helpful on both a domestic and global scale.

Richard McDougall

What have been your career highlights so far?

I’ve been fortunate enough to have had a career in financial services both here in Australia and overseas. The career highlight however has been forming the team who have become the co-founders of Hamilton12. The other founders are far smarter than me however together we now service super and endowment funds in Australia and the US.

What advice would you give to current Bondies?

Form close friendships at Bond as they will last well beyond the conclusion of your studies and your career. 

What does it mean to you to be a Bondy?

Lifelong friendships and strong enduring networks.

What is your favourite memory of Bond?

Trips away with the rowing and dragon boat crews. Graduation was also something that will remain with me.

 Anything else you would like to share?

I’m in awe of what Bond has become. From memories of a relatively humble institution to what is now a globally recognised tertiary institution is truly amazing.

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