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Meet our Bondies | Lachlan Hopwood

In our first 30 years, almost 30,000 alumni have graduated from Bond University. To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’re showcasing some of the past students who have paved the way for the next generation of Bondies.

Meet Bachelor of Actuarial Science/Bachelor of Laws (CRICOS 093910C) alumnus Lachlan Hopwood.

What is your current role?

Solicitor, King & Wood Mallesons.

Where are you based? 


Why did you choose to attend Bond?    

When I finished high school in Melbourne, I wanted greater independence and the best education I could get. After visiting the Bond campus, I knew there was only one university I wanted to attend.

What are your recollections of your time here?

Four years in a uniform of a t-shirt and shorts, the satisfaction of the three questions I managed to answer correctly in a whole semester of Insurance Modelling, countless Papyrus coffees drunk through late nights in the law faculty, and developing my skills as a student budget-friendly sommelier.

Lachlan Hopwood

How has being a Bond graduate helped you in your career?

Bond gives students every opportunity to excel, but the onus remains on them to ensure they do. My time at Bond has left me confident that I can achieve what I set out to, but wary that I will likely fail if I don't apply myself.

What have been your career highlights so far?

I've been fortunate to work under some outstanding mentors in my first year of practice at KWM. A particular highlight was assisting the team that advised on the establishment of a bond aggregator to finance community housing providers in Australia.

What advice would you give to current Bondies?

There is nothing wrong with not knowing what life after Bond looks like for you. Having said that, you are responsible for taking advantage of the many opportunities open to you at Bond to prepare yourself for whatever that will be.

What does it mean to you to be a Bondy?

I'm incredibly proud to be a Bondy, and love that I can reach out to someone in every city in Australia (and many others around the world) when I'm in town to seek out a coffee or a place to stay.

What is your favourite memory of Bond?

One night during my first semester a girl asked me for a laptop charger in the library. One drunken admission of my love and five years later, we are shacked up in Sydney.

Anything else you would like to share?

Open to anyone getting in touch when they're next in Sydney!

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