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Meet our Bondies | Alister Bayston

In our first 30 years, almost 30,000 alumni have graduated from Bond University. To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’re showcasing some of the past students who have paved the way for the next generation of Bondies.

Meet Bachelor of Laws (CRICOS 093922K) alumnus Alister Bayston.

What is your current role?

I’m a commercial lawyer running my own law firm with my wife, Bayston Group Pty Ltd

Where are you based?

Melbourne CBD.

Why did you choose to attend Bond?

I had completed a foundation Arts degree and I wanted to do my Law degree in the concentrated program only being offered by Bond. And the Gold Coast, silly!

What are your recollections of your time here?

The word “inaugural” was on everything. I co-founded the first or “inaugural” student newspaper, “Cynosure”. It was very exciting to be in the first graduating law class and to enter the market as something of a curiosity.

How has being a Bond graduate helped you in your career?

In the early days, I think it got me an interview because it was all brand new. Since then, I’ve capitalised on the entrepreneurial DNA of Bond to help me in my own business and servicing others.

Alister Bayston

What have been your career highlights so far?

Setting up my own business and then hitting our tenth anniversary a few years back. 

What advice would you give to current Bondies?

Keep up the network – Bond’s commitment to alumni is like no other in Australia and there is a genuine sense of belonging that fosters good will between all students.

What does it mean to you to be a Bondy?

To be ahead of the curve and not to accept the dominant paradigm.

What is your favourite memory of Bond?

Ah, too many to count but student life on campus was lit.

 Anything else you would like to share?

In the early years, the financial position of the university was dire. It came back from the brink many times and now it seems to be flourishing. I’m really excited to see it so solid and teaching across many more disciplines.

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