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5 tips for a stand-out scholarship application

The scholarship application process doesn’t have to be stressful. Who better to give advice than someone who's been through the process before? Former Vice Chancellor’s Elite Scholar Sarah White shares her five tips for a great application. 

Just three years ago I was in your position, a nervous year 12 student about to embark on a journey with admittedly a couple of ups and downs: the scholarship process. But you guys have me and my top tips to help you create the best scholarship application you can – so you’ll be fine!

But before we dive into that, let me introduce myself. I have a degree in International Relations (CRICOS 063074E) and a degree in Communications (Business) (CRICOS 063063G). In less than three years I have managed to fit a whole heap into my time at Bond.

I have sat on our student association, run an international aid program to Nepal, travelled to the small town of Kununurra in WA, been a part of Bond’s mixed-netball team at Northern Uni Games, travelled to New York as part of a Model UN Conference and not to mention made some incredible memories and lifelong friends here on campus.

But as I mentioned, before all of this I was just like you sitting nervously at my computer starting my application to Bond. So let me reassure you, it really isn’t that scary at all! But in case you don’t believe me I have put together my top five tips to get you through the scholarship process.

Sarah White

1. Be yourself

The application process is designed to find out who you are and what makes you you. Because of this I cannot stress how important it is to be yourself. No matter what it is, you will have something that makes you inherently you and that is your uniqueness so don’t hide it!

2. Proof read

Proof read until you can’t proof read anymore. I don’t just mean a quick once over, I mean PROOF READ! Get your parents to look at it, your High School Careers Counsellor or even an English teacher. A simple thing you can do to help make your application seem more professional is to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors. Trust me – it doesn’t take long at all!

3. Start early and take your time

The application may look quick, but the more time you can take to think about your answers the more likely you are to remember all the cool stuff you have done. Start it as soon as you can and come back to it in increments. One question one day, the next question a few days later. You don’t want to submit your application in a rush only to remember that you forgot to add this or that to your answers.

4. Be original

I have no doubt each and every one of you reading this has done something cool or unique, or lived somewhere awesome, or hiked up a random summit. All of these things can help you stand out from the crowd so make sure you have a think about a time in your life that is yours and yours only. Obviously you should still talk about everything else you have done but a well-rounded application will include anything and everything that has shaped who you are.

5. Have fun!

Although right now you are probably thinking there is no way you could possibly have fun throughout the process, there definitely is! This whole experience is like nothing else, if you take your time and try not to stress (easier said than done, I know) then you might just find out a thing or two about yourself in the process!

But remember, getting a scholarship isn’t the be all and end all, there are definitely other options. For instance, Bond students can receive FEE HELP to help cover their tuition so don’t panic – I promise no matter what you’re going to be fine! For the mean time, I hope these few tips helped you feel slightly more relaxed and ready to tackle the application. Good luck! 

Find out more about scholarships at Bond.

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