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Bull Sharks netballers tip off season with a win

Netball match report: Round 1  

Jorja Gisinger

Bond’s Ruby Series netball team brought the heat in their opening round of the season on Sunday afternoon.  

The final whistle was blown to end the game with a score of 68-41 in favour of Bond. 

While the Sapphires started the season with a bye, Bond’s Ruby team started with a dominant display of skill and determination over their opponents, the Panthers. 


Where it was won: 

Winning was well and truly a whole team effort. The girls put on a top-notch defensive performance, ensuring opposing players were all covered, and intercept opportunities created and taken. The game really showcased our girls’ discipline and determination. They earned the win through their persistent defensive skills.  

The highlight:  

To run back onto the court for our first game after such hard work in preseason trainings is always a rewarding feeling. To run off the court with a dominant win just adds to it. Our main highlight of Saturday’s game was being able to officially welcome three of our debutants into the team the Bond way. On Saturday we had three new players stepping onto the court for the first time in our yellow and blue dresses. They played extremely well, adding great value to our ruby team. Our debutants were Lauren Aubrey, Chanelle Byers and Charli Pearse.  

What made you happy: 

Seeing Jorgia Gisninger pull a 2-pointer shot out of her back pocket had me smiling. This season the rules have changed up a bit, adding some more professional level elements to the series handbook. There is now a super shot period at the end of each quarter, where shots are two points when taken from a specific distance. Our GS managed to land our first one of the season in spectacular fashion.  

Bull Sharks Netball:  

We played the Panthers in one of our preseason games, so we knew we really had to bring our A game Round 1. We went into the game with a detailed plan, and I was proud of the girls for sticking to it with great discipline. They stayed task focused and this tunnel vision helped bring in our first season win. 

The work to do:  

While we showed some great defence across the court, we still have some tweaks to really cement the skill as a habit. We probably have some work to do on our offence as well. This season is all about growth, we can only get better. Continual improvement is the goal, we will be working on bettering our fundamentals.  

Trademark player:

Harriet Nicholson was the game's MVP. She was exceptional gaining five intercepts and eight deflections. Her six pickups really helped the team turn the tide when we started to lose momentum. Her rebound skills were also on display throughout the game. 

With Kim Boland  

Sapphires had a bye week.  


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