The Libraries and the Multimedia Learning Centre (MLC) offer a wide range of technology-driven facilities and services.
Student computers
Computers are available in the Libraries and the MLC, including:
- PC and Mac computers available for student use.
- Study rooms equipped with computers, LCD screens or projectors for group activities.
Several student computers are installed with specialised software such as Bloomberg, NVivo, R & R-Studio and more. See the complete software list for details.
Bring your own device
The Libraries and MLC are equipped with Wi-Fi to support connecting personal devices. Additional services are available for BYOD, including:
- Power outlets in tabletops or study carrels for charging devices.
- Computer monitors on Level 2 of the Main Library to connect laptops via HDMI.
- Adjustable laptop stands available for loan.
Do not leave your devices unattended.
More services
Printing and copying
Networked printing and photocopying facilities are available in selected locations across the campus. In the Libraries and Multimedia Learning Centre students can use:
- Black & White and Colour Printers/Copiers (A3 and A4)
- Scanning to email
- Duplex printers (double-sided printing is the default)
The Print Shop is located in the Main Library for specialist printing requirements.
Information tools and apps
We have recommendations of browser tools and apps to help you with searching, research, reading, writing and getting full-text access. Take your library and information skills to the next level.
Off-campus and technical support
Having problems connecting to full text resources or other library services from off campus?
Here are some trouble-shooting tips and how to report problems for assistance.
Eduroam is available across the Bond University campus. Visitors from participating institutions can sign in to gain secure access to the Internet and their own library’s online collections.
Equipment for loan
The following equipment is available for loan to students and staff:
- Presentation clickers
- High speed HDMI cable
- USB3.0 to HDMI converter
- USB-C to HDMI adaptor
- Samsung HDMI adaptor
- Mini display port to HDMI
The use of technology in the Libraries and Multimedia Learning Centre is governed by the Information Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy INF 6.1.11