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Library Search

The Library collection includes over 400,000 titles.

  • 320,000+ ebooks
  • 92,000+ physical titles (books, DVDS etc)
  • 80,000+ online journals.

With Library Search you can search for items physically in the library like books and DVDs, and discover online resources like journal and newspaper articles.

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Research databases & tools

We have hundreds of databases of online resources, including full-text and streaming video and audio.

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Textbooks and subject resources

Find out how to access subject resources such as textbooks, journal articles and book chapters recommended by educators. The Library makes them available through resource lists.ibrary.

Read more about Textbooks and subject resources

Search & Find guide

The Library collection includes over 400,000 titles. That might feel overwhelming when you are just starting to think about the information you need. Become an expert searcher.

Read more about Search & Find guide

Bond University Archives

The Archives serve as the institutional memory of the University and are maintained by Library Services. Published and unpublished material about Bond University, regardless of format are preserved.

Read more about Bond University Archives